岡本瑛里 木版画 卯年


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    Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥550

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岡本瑛里が彫り、摺った木版画の兎です。A woodblock rabbit print, carved and printed by OKAMOTO Ellie.


This woodblock print depicts a white rabbit leaping over waves and forging ahead. Each print showcases distinct variations in color, paint smudges and plate shifts, so please find your favorite and enjoy. 
(Artist's comment)

絵葉書サイズ|Postcard size
限定15枚(裏面に番号および岡本直筆サインあり)|Limited to 15 prints (numbered and signed by OKAMOTO Ellie on the reverse).
*絵柄は1枚につき兎1匹です。One rabbit per print.
*ギャラリー店頭でも販売しております。Also available to purchase at the gallery.

For international shipping, please direct any orders to gallery@mizuma-art.co.jp.
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