宮永愛子『詩を包む』(展覧会カタログ)MIYANAGA Aiko 'Wrapping a Verse' (Exhibition Catalogue)


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MIYANAGA Aiko’s exhibition catalogue for 'Wrapping a Verse', held at the Toyama Glass Art Museum November 3rd 2023 - January 28th 2024.

本企画展「宮永愛子 詩(うた)を包む」の開催を機に、ガラスと対峙(たいじ)する時間を得た宮永は、人々を魅了するこの素材を用いて、水や空気、そして歴史を内包する新作を富山で発表します。それらの作品を前に、私たちは自らの記憶を結びつけ、思惟(しい)するのではないでしょうか。


On the occasion of this exhibition MIYANAGA Aiko Wrapping a Verse, having spent time engaging face to face with glass, Miyanaga employs this seductive material to present in Toyama new works that embrace water, air, and history. Coming face to face in turn with Miyanaga’s creations will doubtless lead us to form connections with and reflect upon our own personal memories.

MIYANAGA Aiko Wrapping a Verse offers a superb opportunity to experience the appreciative observation of the day-to-day that underlies all of Miyanaga’s expression, and be suffused with its warm glow.
(Quoted in part from the organizer's foreword from the exhibition catalogue)

発行者|Publisher:富山市ガラス美術館|Toyama Glass Art Museum
発行日|Date of publication:2024/1/24
サイズ|Size:A4変形/154ページ pages
言語|Language(s):日英(Japanese, English)
テキスト|Text by:宮永愛子、小池一子、土田ルリ子(富山市ガラス美術館 館長)、浅田真帆(富山市ガラス美術館 主任学芸員)MIYANAGA Aiko, KOIKE Kazuko, TUCHIDA Ruriko (Director, Toyama Glass Art Museum), ASADA Maho (Curator, Toyama Glass Art Museum)

価格|Price:2,200円(税込・incl. tax)

*For international shipping, please email gallery@mizuma-art.co.jp
国外発送は gallery@mizuma-art.co.jp 迄お問合せください。