本書籍は「ジパング 平成を駆け抜けた現代アーティストたち」の公式図録として刊行されました。
本書は、平成に生まれた日本の現代アートをクロニクル的に捉えた作品集で、佐賀県立美術館とひろしま美術館で開催される展覧会「ジパング 平成を駆け抜けた現代アーティストたち」の図録を兼ねた書籍。ジパング展はかつて2011年と2012年に開催したことがあり、東日本大震災の年に、希望を失い落ち込んでいた日本人に、魅力的な日本の現代アートを観て、知ってもらい、元気になってほしいとの思いで開催された。第3弾となる本書は、改めて平成時代を振り返り、すばらしい現代アーティストの作品と共に、平成時代が、困難を乗り越え平和で豊かな時代だったことを再認識していただける作品集。(求龍堂webサイトより)
掲載作家:会田誠、青山悟、池田学、石田徹也、岩崎貴宏、宇佐美雅浩、梅沢和木、江口綾音、O JUN、岡本瑛里、荻野夕奈、加藤泉、金子富之、草間彌生、小松美羽、近藤聡乃、佐藤雅晴、塩田千春、棚田康司、チームラボ、Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group、筒井伸輔、名もなき実昌 梅沢和木、奈良美智、宮島達男、宮永愛子、村上隆、森淳一、山口晃(五十音順)
B5判変型 並製本 144頁(掲載作品45点)
「ジパング 平成を駆け抜けた現代アーティストたち」
This book was published as the official catalogue for "Zipangu - Contemporary artists who have run through the Heisei era."
This book serves as a chronicle of contemporary Japanese art born during the Heisei era and also functions as the official catalog for the exhibition "Zipangu: Contemporary Artists Who Shaped the Heisei Era," held at the Saga Prefectural Art Museum and the Hiroshima Museum of Art. The Zipangu exhibition was previously held in 2011 and 2012, following the Great East Japan Earthquake, with the hope of uplifting the Japanese people who had lost hope, by introducing them to the captivating world of Japanese contemporary art. This third edition revisits the Heisei era, showcasing the works of outstanding contemporary artists and aims to remind viewers that the Heisei period, despite its challenges, was a time of peace and prosperity. (From the publisher's website)
Featured Artists: AIDA Makoto, AOYAMA Satoru, IKEDA Manabu, ISHIDA Tetsuya, IWASAKI Takahiro, USAMI Masahiro, EGUCHI Ayane, O JUN, OKAMOTO Ellie, OGINO Yuna, KATO Izumi, KANEKO Tomiyuki, KUSAMA Yayoi, KOMATSU Miwa, KONDOH Akino, SATO Masaharu, SHIOTA Chiharu, TANADA Koji, TeamLab, Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group, TSUTSUI Shinsuke, Namonaki Sanemasa, UMEZAWA Kazuki, NARA Yoshitomo, MIYAJIMA Tatsuo, MIYANAGA Aiko, MURAKAMI Takashi, MORI Junichi, YAMAGUCHI Akira
● Japanese & English
Director/Mizuma Sueo
Edited by/Mizuma Art Gallery
Texts/Mizuma Sueo, Kusumi Kiyoshi (Art editor/critic, Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University)
B5 format, paperback, 144 pages (featuring 45 works)
【Exhibition Information】
"Zipangu - Contemporary artists who have run through the Heisei era"
Venue: Saga Prefectural Art Museum
Dates: Saturday, August 24 - Sunday, October 20, 2024
Venue: Hiroshima Museum of Art
Dates: Saturday, November 2 - Sunday, December 22, 2024
*This book serves as both the official catalogue and publication for the exhibition.